
Monday, October 25, 2010

Autumn Treasures: Apples

We had a day all about apples and Johnny Appleseed.

We compared different varieties of apples. We had more varieties, but my son ate them before we got to this.

We cut the apple in half to see the star inside and counted the seeds.

Then we used the apple halves to paint apple prints.

The girls made these tissue paper apple trees. They drew a tree trunk and colored it in. Then the took squares of green tissue paper, crumbled them into balls, dipped them in glue, and stuck them to the tree. Once that's covered, they used smaller red tissue paper squares the same way to make apples.

While the girls were working on their apple trees, Colin made apple brownies.  I diced up the apples for him, but he did the rest. This was really good, much better than apple breads we've tried before. Even the two people in our family who don't usually like things like it had 2 pieces each.

Please excuse the sweaty, red-faced boy. He had just gotten home from hockey practice. It was still in the oven when he had to go.

The recipe suggested drizzling caramel ice cream topping on it. We didn't have any, but had apple cinnamon topping so some of us tried that.


  1. So fun! I love fall. We did something similar when my older two were younger. I should do it younger two would love it! Stopping by from the hop. :-)

  2. I love what you did with your apple theme! Hope you don't mind if I mention your blog in my hip hop homeschool post tomorrow. I am now your newest follower!

  3. Love your apple goodies and prints. My kids just made celery prints today.

  4. Love the apple tree idea. Don't you just love all the things we can teach for the Fall themes! Have a great one.


  5. I miss doing things like that. My kids are older now. Would love the recipe for the apple thingy!
    Stopped by from Hip Homeschool Hop to say hi today!

  6. Stopping in from Hip Homeschool Hop. This year for the first time our kids having really enjoyed the apples from the lone tree in our backyard. I am not sure what kind of apples they are but they are a hit with a little cinnamon and sugar as a snack!

  7. Cute craft!
    Could you/Would you post the Apple Brownie recipe? It sounds delicious!!

  8. Here is where I found the apple brownie recipe.
    Hope you like them.

  9. What an awesome and fun study! Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop!
