
Monday, November 15, 2010

Candy Land Birthday Party

The theme for Molly's birthday party this year was Candy Land. What 6 year old wouldn't love a party with tons of candy?

I made the cake to look like the Candy Land board.

Cake with the cake board. It's wrapped in wrapping paper. My husband took pictures of Molly and made them look silly, which she thought was very funny.

I found these glass jars at the Dollar Tree and filled them with different kinds of candy. The kids got the stuffed toys last time we were in Hershey, PA.

The kids made the gingerbread house.

The inside of the cake. I colored the cake batter 6 different colors.

This is what the cake looked like before baking.

We cut posterboard into squares and taped them to the floor. I think I saw every kid follow the path at some point.

The invitation

I had gingerbread ornaments that the kids decorated with glitter glue.

My beautiful girl. Can't believe she's 6 already.


  1. WOW Sarah, I love it. So creative. I have a daughter Molly also. You have a talent there for cake decorating for sure!

  2. What a great theme and activities!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. What an adorable idea! I'm cringing at the sugar high, but I know something like that would be a huge hit with my kids.

    Filing this idea away! Thanks for sharing!

  4. that is SOOOO AWESOME!!! I loved that game when I was littler. (whom I kidding, I still do)

    )visiting from the hip homeschool hop, but not listed this week)

  5. Just dropping in from the Hip Homeschool Hop. What a great idea for a party, every kid's dream. ~ Discovery For Life

  6. This is the CUTEST birthday party idea EVER! It looks so awesome. Great job with carrying the theme so well throughout the celebration. Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day...I've been busy so I'm a little delayed on getting to everyone's blogs in return.

  7. love your blog, came over from hiphop homeschool
