
Friday, November 19, 2010

Our Week: Franks, Charlemagne, & Mirette

So much for a normal, productive week. Colin started running a fever on Sunday night and spent most of Monday and Tuesday in bed. I hate that he was sick, but it was kind of nice spending most of the week at home and not having so much to do. We did end up getting through most of the school I had planned except for astronomy.

The Three Rs
Colin started Life of Fred: Fractions this week. He'll probably continue with it until after the first of the year at least. I thought it would be good for him to have a little break from our regular math. It also frees up a little of my time since he can do it independently and that's really helpful during these busy weeks. He must like it because he chose to do it even on one of the days he was sick when I told him he didn't have to. He finished 5 chapters this week and got all the questions correct on the first bridge.

Caleigh learned to play corners this week. I had to skip it in math last year because I lost the cards during our move, but I finally found them and she really liked playing.

She really did like it; she just doesn't like smiling for the camera.

We did three chapters in history this week. The first was about the kingdom of the Franks, Clovis, and how the four tribes became one empire. The next one was about the Islamic invasion of Spain. The last one was about Charles the Hammer, who stopped the Muslims from taking over the land of the Franks, and his grandson, Charlemagne, the greatest king of the Frankish Empire.
The kids made these crowns like Charlemagne's.

Caleigh has a lot more jewels on one side so it kept sliding

Five in a Row
This week's book was Mirette on a High Wire by Emily Arnold McCully. They learned about France, the Eiffel Tower, famous tightrope walkers, compound words, some French words, made a circus poster, and walked a tightrope. See my separate post about the fun we had with this book.

Everything Else
Because of sickness, there wasn't much else this week. We had to cancel First Lego League. We already didn't have a meeting scheduled for next week so I expect the first week of December to be a busy one since regionals are that weekend. Colin did go to hockey practice. I thought he should skip it, but he insisted he was well enough to go. He did okay, but we could tell he was 100%. He was supposed to have baseball today, but I didn't let him go because he still seems congested.

And now we are officially on break. We haven't taken a full week off since starting school in August so I think we're all happy that Thanksgiving break has arrived.

Go to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see what everyone else did this week.