
Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Week: Robin Hood and the Moon

It's been a pretty good week here. We had playdates on two afternoons, but no other outside activities this week. It was nice not having too much going on, especially since next week will be really busy here.


We started out the week learning about Richard the Lionhearted. We also read about his brother, John Lackland, and the Magna Carta.
Then we spent the rest of the week on Robin Hood. We used these books.

The kids colored pictures of Robin Hood.

They made caps like Robin Hood's. These are actually Peter Pan hats, but the kids don't care and they were the easiest ones I could find.

Colin made some Lego creations.

On the left is Robin Hood and Little John fighting on the bridge when they first met.
On the right is Robin Hood with his bow. You can't see in the picture, but he has a quiver of arrows on his back.

Colin also did notebook pages, where he included information on the Crusades, medieval jobs, the quarterstaff, the bow and arrow, medicine at the time, and information about Robin Hood.


We continued learning about the moon. The week our focus was on the exploration of the moon. We read books about Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin.

Three Rs

This was one of our best weeks in a while for this area. It's taken us a while to get back into the swing of things since the holiday break.
Colin and Caleigh took diagnostic spelling tests. Both showed improvement from the last test and scored well above their grade levels.

Molly had fun in math playing a handshaking game with her stuffed animals. It was to help her practice partitioning 10.

She's having them shake hands here

 She's also decided that under the table is where she likes doing math worksheets.


  1. HI Sarah....just wanted to let you know about the Show Off Your HOmeschool party tonight lasting thru the weekend at my blog and wanted to invite you!

    No rules, just fun! Giveaway too!

  2. I love the Robin Hood legos - too fun!

  3. LOVE the Robin Hood hats! And Legos! Great job!

