
Monday, January 24, 2011

Ripley's Aquarium

When we went to Myrtle Beach, we stopped by Ripley's Aquarium. Although we've been to the one in Gatlinburg, TN a few times, it was our first time at that one. It was much smaller than the one in TN. It did have the tunnel like that one does though. The kids always like getting on the moving floor and having the big fish swim over their heads. They also had a neat room with an exhibit called Lethal Weapons. It has information on how creatures can survive and kill other things. Most of the exhibits have a hands-on activity for the kids that is similar to what the animal does. One of them shoots bugs down from trees and next to it, they had water guns the kids could use to shoot at bugs in trees.

Molly said this was her sad face because she was sad for the little fish.

Caleigh & Colin shooting down bugs

Molly with jellyfish

Caleigh with jellyfish

Colin being attacked by the jellyfish


  1. We love the Aquarium here in Downtown Houston. The Zoo has a nice one too.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wow, it looks like you had a very productive and fun owl study! Loved all the craft and art projects. I used FIAR with my kiddos when they were little and LOVED it! Brings back memories...

    We took a trip to the Smokies a couple weekends ago and enjoyed a stop at the Ripley's Aquarium there. We really enjoyed it.

