
Friday, March 11, 2011

Our Week: Jupiter, Joan of Arc, War of the Roses, and Art


I'm starting with art because I'm so happy we actually did a real art lesson from Artistic Pursuits. It's been a long time since we did art that didn't just go with something else we're studying. Here are the kids' pictures made using watercolor crayons.

Top: Colin                 Left: Molly                Right: Caleigh


We managed to get through two chapters in SOTW this week. We started by learning about the Hundred Years War between England and France. We also learned about Joan of Arc and read some books about her. Then we read about the War of the Roses and how the English throne kept going back and forth between the two groups. Finally we learned about the mysterious disappearance of King Edward V, who was sent to the Tower of London by Richard III.
Colin also finished The Door in the Wall that he started reading last week even though he complained about it and said he didn't like it.

The girls made a pop out Tower of London card. The front says: Where did Richard III put young King Edward V? Then you open it up to see the Tower of London pop out.


This week we learned all about the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. Some of the things we learned about were its size, how it is like the sun, the Great Red Spot, its moons, what it is made of, why it has stripes, how long its rotation and revolution take, and the spacecraft called Galileo.

We also made a hurricane in a bottle. All the kids liked this, especially Caleigh. She keeps coming back and doing it over and over and has asked to keep it.

We decided to take it apart and add some blue food coloring to be able to see it better.

Everything Else

Colin had Robotics Club this week. The boys worked on getting the robot to recognize black lines, first having it stop when it reached one and then having it follow the lines. The girls played dress up with their friend during that time. Too bad I didn't think to take a picture of them.

Colin also had a hockey game. He's the goalie and did a great job. The parents on the other team were even talking about how well he was playing.

The kids also started a basketball skills class this week. They worked on passing, dribbling, and some shooting (mostly layups).

Chad has been sick all week and now Molly is coughing with a runny nose. I'm hoping she feels better quickly and the rest of us don't get it. The weather this weekend is supposed to be really nice so I'd like for us to be able to get out. I'm hoping we'll make it to a St. Patrick's Day parade and festival happening tomorrow.


  1. We love ARTistic Pursuits too. The kids' artwork is wonderful and the London Tower card is so creative! It sounds like a fun week!

  2. Sounds like you may be using Apologia for science. We've also been studying Jupiter recently. Wasn't the hurricane tube fun?! We loved it!

  3. We love SOTW. We're still back in the Vikings though... I like your Tower of London card! Have a great week next week.

  4. Great hurricane! Stopping by from Weekly Wrap-up!


  5. Saw you on Weekly Wrap-Up. Looks like a great week! Congrats to Colin on his fab goal-tending. Hope you all stay healthy!

  6. we have tried that before!its great fun! stopping by from hip homeschool moms

  7. Hi, I'm stopping by from HHH. Your activities look fun!

  8. Hi from the HHH! It looks like we are right with you in History and only a fews weeks behind you in Science (we use Elemental Science). We also do Artistic Pursuits!
