
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bird Nests

The kids have been excitedly watching all the bird activity around our house for the last few weeks. A couple weeks ago they watched a bird build a nest on our front porch. Last week they noticed that she was sitting on the nest a lot and must have laid her eggs. To go along with that, they made their own bird nests.
We made a batch of Rice Krispie treats using butter, marshmallows, and Rice Krispies.

I rubbed butter on the kids' hands and they shaped them into nests.

Then they added candy eggs and peeps.

Here is the nest on our front porch. The kids really wanted to know if there were eggs in it and how many. I waited until the mama bird left and then climbed the ladder and held up my camera to snap a picture.

We found this nest in a tree next to our back porch.


  1. Very cool! Thank you for sharing this. I would like the recipe for the rice krispy nests. I have never made them before. Thanks for linking up at NOBH.

  2. Adorable. I'm stealing the rice krispie idea.

    And the real birds' nests with eggs are beautiful, aren't they? Such fun to discover.

  3. I just used the same recipe as for regular Rice Krispie treats. Melt 3
    Tbsp. of butter. Add 4 cups of marshmallows and melt those. Turn off heat and stir in 6 cups of cereal. I wiped a little butter on each kids' hands, put a bit spoonful on wax paper, and let them shape into nests.

  4. We have made Rice Krispy treats before but never into nests! Cute idea! They came out great! Love the nests pictures too! We've had bird nests in our trees and saw the baby birds too! It was amazing! The blue eggs in your pics are just awesome! Thanks for sharing on NOBH! Happy and blessed Easter to you!
