
Friday, April 15, 2011

Our Week: Taken Over by the Geography Fair

I'm not sure where this week went. It just flew by. We didn't get to everything I had planned because we spent lots of time preparing for a geography fair. I had meant to start weeks ago and got books from the library and a display board, but our weeks have been so full that it just didn't happen. I need to work on not passing down my procrastination problem to the kids. So this week we spent time reading lots of books, researching, watching videos, doing a Download N Go study, using Homeschool Share, making a lapbook, decorating a display board, making crafts, and baking cookies. I'll be posting more about the geography fair, the kids' display, and our week with Canada soon. It was our first geography fair and everyone had a great time. Caleigh liked looking at the displays, Molly loved sampling foods, and Colin liked talking to people looking at his display.

In history, we learned about slaves in the New World. We also read more about Hernan Cortes conquering the Aztecs.

For science we read about the Milky Way and other galaxies.

Colin and Molly had basketball practice on Wednesday. Molly just loves her basketball clothes.

I told the kids if they finished most their geography fair project yesterday they could go to the park today. They had everything done yesterday except sticking stuff down to the display board and Colin did that right after breakfast. I was hoping to do the rest of the astronomy I'd planned for the week this afternoon. Once we got to the park though, the weather was so nice, there were lots of boys around Colin's age playing football, and the girls were having fun playing with other kids so we ended up staying longer than planned. They worked hard on their project and did a really great job so I think they deserved some extra play time. Constellations can wait until next week.


  1. That is a pretty spiffy basetball uniform! I haven't heard of a geography fair before, what a simply lovely idea.

  2. Wow, your week seems to have been pretty nice too!
    I also love that cobalt blue of the uniform, and your books for geography too.

  3. The geography fair sounds great!

  4. Thanks for the sweet comments on my Weekly wasn't the best week but here's hoping next week is 100% better!
    Sounds like you all had a good week :)

  5. Nice! The geography fair sounds like a fun event :)

  6. Great job at the Geography fair! I use DNG material too sometimes. Love them:)
