
Friday, May 20, 2011

Our Week: Trying to Wrap Up Things

We moved into a temporary apartment this week while we wait for our new house to be ready. We have a few things to finish up so I brought along some of our school supplies.

All the kids have started doing practice workbooks for math, which I plan to continue through the summer. Colin reviewed phonograms and spelling rules. He did writing assignments using story starters. Caleigh continued with her regular spelling lists, grammar, and practicing cursive. Molly continued with her phonics and handwriting lessons.

We did three chapters of history to finish up Story of the World- Volume 2: The Middle Ages. We read about Walter Raleigh, the lost colony of Roanoke Island, John Cabot, Newfoundland, Jacques Cartier, and the war between Spain and England. We also spent some time reviewing and discussing what the world was like at the end of the sixteenth century.

It's rained quite a bit this week so we've spent most of our time in the apartment. The kids have played lots of Uno and some Wii.

We're driving down to meet some friends at the park today and I'm planning to go to a used curriculum sale tonight.

We'll be taking next week off to go back to the house and get everything packed. After that, we have a few things to finish for the school year and need to take the end of the year tests.


  1. Sounds like a productive week! And congrats on the new house. How exciting!!!

    Just popping in from the wrap-up!

  2. I pray your home is ready soon to enjoy the Summer months!
