
Friday, August 26, 2011

Last week of summer vacation

This week we've tried to do fun things to enjoy our last week of summer vacation. School will be starting on Monday.

Monday: We just stayed home and the kids played while I worked on getting the last of our school things ordered.

Tuesday: We met friends at the park for an afternoon playdate. It was actually a little cooler so it was great being outside.

Wednesday: Molly and Colin had their first tennis lessons. The tennis courts are right next to a playground so we went over to play with friends after. Then Colin went to a Pokemon Club with a friend and I brought the friend's sister home with the girls and I while they were there for some more playtime.

Molly during her tennis lesson

Colin during his tennis lesson

Thursday: We had lunch with friends and then went bowling with our homeschool group. It was the first day for public school here so it was a "Not back to school" party. See pictures here.

Friday: I worked on lesson plans for next week while the kids made a huge mess in the playroom. They say they've cleaned it up and are now playing outside. I had planned to take them swimming this afternoon, but I have a headache so I'm not sure if we'll go. If not I'll try to take them this weekend.


  1. Park, playdates, bowling...sounds like summer fun to me!

  2. Sounds like a great week. We're starting on Monday too.

    Janet W

  3. I love to end our days swimming...we started back to school a while ago now so we have that groove going ;o) Sounds like you all had a great week having fun!! Blessings, Lisa

  4. Sounds like a GREAT ending to summer with tennis and playgrounds and friends and (maybe) swimming!

    All the best with your new school year! (We're starting back 9/6.)

    Stopping in from Kris's Weekly Wrap-up!

  5. Sounds like a great last week of vacation.

  6. Sounds like a great last week of summer. I hope you have a great first week of school!!!

  7. Tennis is a great sport for the kids to learn. My husband has been teaching our kids. I looked at your pictures of your NYC trip - we love going there. And your schoolroom is really cute.
