
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day

We did some fun stuff to celebrate Groundhog Day.

We read books about groundhogs and shadows.

I made groundhog pancakes that I found here.

They were really easy to make and we already had everything except the donut holes. For each, I used:
a pancake with a small hole in the middle
half an apple to go under the pancake and raise it a little
1 donut hole
1 mini marshmallow cut in half for eyes
4 chocolate chips (2 for ears and 2 for eyes)
red M&M for nose
The original directions called for icing to use as glue. My donuts were glazed and everything stuck to them without any icing.

The kids made groundhogs coming out of a hole (cup).

Caleigh's groundhog and his shadow

We went to see our town's groundhog, Sir Walter Wally, make his prediction. Unfortunately, he didn't agree with Punxsutawney Phil and predicts 6 more weeks of winter.

We used Homeschool Share's lapbook for our notebook pages.


  1. We were there too :D We visited the museum for all the Groundhog Day exhibits today and met Sir Walter Raleigh before his big event :D It was so fun! It was so busy there, I am sad we missed finally meeting you :)

  2. I wonder how many times we've passed each other. :) We didn't get there until right before the ceremony. We visited the museum after. I've been meaning to go for a while, but the only other time we've been was Bugfest so it didn't seem busy after being there then.

  3. OMGosh, how stinking cute?!?! I never thought to "celebrate" this day, and Babydoll had several questions about it.

  4. We celebrated also. Reading our books on shadows, studying the groundhog (which is our Animal of the Month for February), coloring groundhog pictures and doing crafts!

    Today starts Chinese New Year! We are celebrating!


  5. I can't believe that your town has its own groundhog!!! So jealous.

  6. I LOVE that pancake idea! Sooo cute!
