
Friday, February 4, 2011

Our Week: Groundhogs, Painting, and a Birthday

It has been a very busy week. I had trouble fitting in school. We did manage to get through a few days of the three Rs, two chapters of history, and a holiday unit study.

Monday we did regular school and learned about the Diaspora and Jewish holidays.

Tuesday Colin got to go ice skating for the first time. Right now he plays roller hockey, but he hopes to move to ice. I've been wanting to take him, but it's hard because I don't know how to skate and the girls don't want to do it alone and fall. My husband was home for the day so he was able to take him. A boy with NHL dreams needs to learn to skate on ice.

While Colin was gone, the girls played some math games. It was Molly's first time playing Go to the Dump, which has been a favorite of both Colin and Caleigh.

In history, we learned about the Mongols conquering China, Genghis Khan, and Kublai Khan.

We spent some time on Wednesday reading about Groundhog Day, groundhogs, and shadows. We did a fun craft, lapbook pages, and had groundhog pancakes. See my previous post for more about what we did and pictures. We also visited the NC Museum of Natural Sciences and got a chance to see the local groundhog come out to make his prediction.

Thursday I had planned to do some things for Chinese New Year, but we only managed to find time for some fortune cookies.

My sister was visiting and we took the kids to a paint your own pottery place.

Colin had a hockey game that evening.

Today is Colin's 11th birthday. We had friends over for a party.


  1. Looks like you've had a fun week! We're also using RightStart, and it's such a good programme.

  2. Great week! Hope next week is just as good! Don't forget if the kids are into Legos, that I am hosting a bi monthly Lego Mania Linky Party...starting on Wednesday!


  3. Sounds like you had a good week. I love what they made at the pottery place. Each showing their own creativity.
