
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

We did a little celebrating today for Dr. Seuss' birthday.

Aren't they adorable?

Molly has been reading The Cat in the Hat this week.

Cupcakes to represent Cat in the Hat and Thing 1 and Thing 2

I showed Caleigh how to do the first one and she did all the rest

Molly decorating her cupcake

Green eggs and ham (hubby wouldn't let me color the ham though)
Pink juice for the pink ink in One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Molly making silly faces with her Cat in the Hat hat


  1. Happy Birthday, Suess! I'd forgotten! LOVE the cupcakes and hat! Great ideas!

    Jessy from HHH

  2. What awesome fun!! I wish I could think of/know of these things ahead of time. I am just not that creative!

    Love the cupcakes and the green eggs and ham.

    Mary :)

  3. What a fun day! You came up with some great ideas:)

  4. Dr Seuss & Plagues are 2 of my favorite things!

    visiting from the hip homeschool hop.
    visit back:

  5. Hi Sarah,

    I just love your Dr. Seuss celebration.

    I found you through Hip Homeschool Moms, and I am glad I found your blog. I'm following your through GFC.

    Rebecca G.
