
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Short Week: The Plague and Dr. Seuss

We only had regular school Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week. We were able to get quite a bit done in those three days though.


This week we learned all about the plague. We learned where it started, how it spread, what caused it, how many people died, and the impact it had. I was surprised by how the girls got into this topic. They said it was the best chapter of the whole year. They asked lots of questions and were really good at answering the review questions I asked them. I guess you never know what they'll like.
I had Colin use the lapbook from Homeschool Share for his notebook.


We continued learning about comets and also read about asteroids and meterors. We didn't do a project this week.

The kids also started planting their own garden. They chose all the stuff they want to plant, went to the store with my husband to get it all, and helped him do all the work. So far they've planted cabbage, lettuce, onions, potatoes, carrots, and some herbs. They have plans for a few more things during the next couple months.

Dr. Seuss

On Wednesday, we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday by reading lots of his books, making cupcakes, having green eggs and ham, and making hats. I have a whole post about all the fun we had here.

Everything Else

This week was play week for the Robotics Club. We all met at a park and the kids had a great time running around and playing.

This was a short week for us because we're leaving today (Thursday ) to go to Kentucky to visit family for the weekend.

Girls ready to go


  1. My ds completed the plagues lapbook a couple weeks ago as well. His favourite was the plague doctor.

  2. That plague lapbook looks fantastic!! I'm going to have to check that one out!

  3. Great lapbook and thanks for the link!

  4. New follower stopping by from Hip Homeschool Hop - I totally heart lapbooks - enjoyed reading about your school!

  5. Stopping by from the hop/ Have a great trip =)

  6. Happy to be your newest follower from the HHH. Love your site and kids' projects!
    Marcia :)
