
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Snow in Kentucky

We were surprised to see snow when we got up on our last morning in Kentucky. We've only had snow once this year so it was nice to see except that we had to drive home in it. The roads in KY weren't bad, but they were in Virginia. There were times we couldn't even see the road and some cars were sliding all over the place.

The snow was pretty to see on the mountains, but I sure am glad to be home where it looks more like spring.


  1. What beautiful pictures! Glad you had a safe trip home!

    I'm following from Hip Homeschool Hop. Be sure to stop by, where Disney IS school and link up at our new hop: Tiggerific Tuesday! Blog Hop...or Bounce!

  2. Hi, New follower. I love the pics. I am from southern wv and those mountains sure are beautiful
