
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Meet the Students of Cocamo Academy

Age 6--1st grade


What is your favorite color? yellow

What is your favorite food? cake

What is your favorite subject in school? math (the card games)

What is your least favorite subject? history

What do you like best about homeschooling? I get to stay with Mama

What is your favorite TV show? Spongebob

What is your favorite thing to do? play with Caleigh, give Mommy and Daddy hugs and kisses

What is the best place you've visited? Disney World, NYC, Universal Studios

If you could visit anywhere, where would you go? Hawaii

What do you want to be when you grow up? basketball player, pizza delivery person, doctor

Age 8--3rd grade


What is your favorite color? blue

What is your favorite food? macaroni and cheese

What is your favorite subject in school? art

What is your least favorite subject? grammar

What do you like best about homeschooling? being home with Mom

What is your favorite TV show? Spongebob

What is your favorite thing to do? draw and color

What is the best place you've visited? beach

If you could visit anywhere, where would you go? I just like to stay home. (This could be because we just took a trip that included driving fron NC to Maine and then going to NYC before driving back home to NC.)

What do you want to be when you grow up? artist

Age 11--6th grade


What is your favorite color? pink

What is your favorite food? pizza

What is your favorite subject in school? math

What is your least favorite subject? spelling

What do you like best about homeschooling? not having to get up early

What is your favorite TV show? NHL on the Fly

What is your favorite thing to do? playing hockey

What is the best place you've ever visited? Disney World

If you could visit anywhere, where would you go? Paris, France (Eiffel Tower)

What do you want to be when you grow up? NHL goalie

Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. Hey there stopping by from the Not Back to School Blog Hop!

    I have a sixth grade daughter. We are using Writing with Skill too. How do you plan to do both Writing with Skill and the Creative Writing program? I would love to do both and am trying to figure out how I can without overwhelming us!

    I read what you said about how homeschooling is a lifestyle--so true!! Last year was our first year and we LOVED it! Best decision we made as parents!

  2. I'm not sure yet. I've only seen the first few chapters of WWS and haven't seen any of the CW. I think I saw where she said they would go well together though. If we have to slow down to do both, that won't bother me.
    I'm glad you had such a great year and hope this one goes as well.

  3. Hey there! I'm visiting via Hip Homeschool Mom.

    I love this idea! I just did a "Mommy and Me" interview with Merrick today. I'm going to have to post it like this.

  4. LOVE the interview! We did one several years ago, but should probably do it again. Hope the new is great!
