
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Our School Room 2011

We moved in June so I had to redo our school room. Our new one is smaller, but we now have a separate playroom now. I have a few more things to do, but it's almost finished. The main things I want to do soon are get some curtains and do a project I have planned for above the window. I need a shadow box frame for each kid, but one of them has somehow disappeared during the move so we'll do it as soon as I find that one.

This is from the door

I love all the work space our table gives us. My husband made it last year. We store extra pencils, crayons, markers, etc. on the shelves underneath. In the middle of the table is a lazy susan (idea here) painted blue and little buckets to hold our stuff for easy access.



The door on the left is the one that goes out of the room. The other one is a closet.
The white shelf with drawers holds all our different paper and printer. The crate with file folders is to hold lapbook peices and other things I print ahead of time.

Love our rain gutter shelves. I put books on them for whatever we're studying at the time.

You can see part of our timeline here. The space between clothespins is 100 years and that gets wider as time goes on and we need more space.
A couple pictures down, you can see a separate line that's green. I'm going to get mini clothespins and use it for 2000 through now with the space between each only being one year.
Drawers on the left hold math manipulatives.
Cube shelves hold things we use every week. Each of us has our own shelf for books. Under that is a shelf for our supplies. We also have shelves for history, science, unit study, library books, and state study.
The shelf on the right side will be Colin's workboxes, something new we're trying this year in hopes of more independence.

We think traveling is a big part of our kids' education. I've wanted to have something on our wall to include it for a while. The letters at the top say, "Oh, the places we'll go!", and idea I got from the Dr. Seuss book so I put characters from Seuss books on the wall too. We plan to get a piece of corkboard for the middle and then we'll put postcards and pictures from places we visit on it.

The girls like playing their math games at the little green table.

The bulletin board tells the kids what we'll be studying for the week in art, music, and which state.

The closet holds our craft supplies.

You may be wondering where are all the books and clutter. It sure is easier to make the room look nice without all that stuff in the way. :) We are lucky to have a small room downstairs that we use for a library/storage area. I hope it won't seem like a pain to have to bring things upstairs when we need them. I plan to keep the things we'll use every week upstairs and gather things we need each week on the weekend.

It still needs some organizing.

The small shelf holds picture books.
Tall shelves:
1- my books, language arts, foreign language, Five in a Row, extra paper and notebooks
2- Little House on the Prairie and reference, music and art, 3 science shelves, first readers
3- scrapbooks from previous years and Bible stuff, U.S. history and geography, world history, world geography, math, chapter books

The white shelf on the right holds games, the small bookshelf has holiday books, and I'm still organizing the other two.

Not Back to School Blog Hop


  1. Wow, what an awesome space you have! I love the table! :)

  2. Hi! Just "hopping" over from the HHH. Nice to "meet" you. :-)

    Wow, what an incredible space! I just LOVE the table. I am going to show your post to my husband. I want one, too! lol! :-)))

    I hope you all have a wonderful year!

    May God bless all of our homeschools!

  3. What a great room! I love the table your husband made! Also, rain gutter shelves are on my to do list.

  4. Oooh! I love your school room! Especially the table!

  5. Nice room! It looks exactly (shape & size & slope of walls, etc) like a room I have upstairs. I thought about making it our school room, but it just doesn't work for our family to have it separated from the rest of the house.

  6. WOW! That's an amazing space! I'm a little jealous! :) You've done a great job!

  7. You have your school space organized so neatly. It looks marvelous. I love the table also.

  8. Too cool! I am so jealous! I only have the space for the kitchen table!

  9. Absolutely love your school room! Love the table too. I need to have one of those made. We have a nice big one, but its not as functional as I would like. Gorgeous space!

    Have a great week!

    Stopping by from 3 Crazy Monkey's!

  10. Wow!!! I love this! Especially that to get a glimpse of your school room...thanks for sharing!
    ~Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH

  11. Wow, love your school room and separate library!!
    I really liked the board with what you will studying that week, I may have to "borrow" that idea!!

  12. What great spaces! I like the large maps on the angled walls.. that is one thing our spaces lack is wall space! and so nice to have a real room for a library! Happy schooling :-)

  13. That is one amazing table. Bravo 2 your husband

  14. I love your space and would like to invite you to share it on Four Little Thiiiings here:
