This week's Five in a Row book was
Mirette on a High Wire. In history we were learning about France during the early Middle Ages so I wanted a FIAR book that was also about France.
Some books we read this week:
Starring Mirette and Bellini, Mirette and Bellini Cross Niagara Falls, The Man Who Walked Between the Towers, Madeline, A Spree in Paree, The Inside-Outside Book of Paris, and
Harold's Circus. We also watched this video of the book,
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers found
Colin and Caleigh built Eiffel Towers from Legos.
We found out about many things that were invented in France from the book,
Look What Came From France, including parachutes
and French toast.
The kids made circus posters advertising their tightrope act that you can see below on their notebook pages. Here they are performing:
Then they tried it with binoculars so it looked like everything was far away.
After that, they started performing more daring feats.
Caleigh making an omelet like Bellini did in the book |
Molly making omelet |
Molly on Colin's shoulders like Mirette |
Except for one thing each, the kids did the same activities for their notebooks. They all found France on a map, colored the French flag, colored circus books (from Enchanted Learning) with words in French, figured out what color the French words stood for to color the picture the correct color, and made their circus poster. The othr mini books came from Homeschool Share.
Molly's-- she also identified the starting sounds of circus words
Caleigh's-- she did a compound word activity
Colin-- he found the places from Bellini's career that were mentioned in the book including Naples, Niagara Falls, the Alps, Moscow, Barcelona, and Paris.