Sunday, October 6, 2013

Last 3 Weeks in Review

We've been chugging right along with school. Colin has been doing much better doing his work independently this year, which really helps since I have to spend a lot of my time taking care of our little one. She doesn't sleep much at all, but she is usually pretty happy so I can get some school done with the girls while she plays or I'm nursing her. She likes to doze off on me so I try to use that time for reading history or our current Little House on the Prairie book.

Colin has finished two modules of Exploring Creation with Physical Science. He's doing well with the VideoText Algebra. He's never done anything where he watches the lesson so I wasn't sure how it would go.
We've finished four chapters of Story of the World 4 and are studying the Civil War now.

We need one more day to finish reading These Happy Golden Years. I'm kind of sad that we only have two more books in the series. It feels like I waited forever for the right time to read it and I'm so happy that the kids liked it so much. It's been so fun to do activities, dress them up, and visit the Laura Ingalls Wilder sites. I guess I can start looking forward to doing it again when Sophie is older.

We've done lots of fun things in the last three weeks. We've been trying to soak in the nice weather for as long as it lasts because I'm sure it won't be too much longer. We had a great time visiting an apple orchard and a pumpkin patch. I have lots of pictures from those so they will need their own posts.

Another fun thing we did is an archery class with our homeschool group.

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There was a cool park near there where the kids enjoyed playing for a while.

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We also went to the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. Unfortunately, it started raining pretty hard after a couple hours so we didn't get to do as much as planned. The kids had a good time while we were there though.

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Last week, we walked to the park a couple of times because it was so nice. It's 1 1/2 miles on trails from our house.

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Sophie got to try a swing for the first time and loved it.

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Our baby girl got her first 2 teeth, which you can see here.

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Phyllis said...

I love it all. The park looks wonderful and we love archery. Wish we were near you to take advantage of your class. The warm weather has been fantastic, hasn't it? What a great few weeks.

Reeva M said...

It sounds like your family has had an exciting few weeks.