Friday, August 14, 2009


Last year, I noticed that many people were making lapbooks to go along with their studies. I thought it would be fun for Caleigh, but couldn't imagine how I could keep up with all the different lapbooks. I kept searching for ideas and found some people using scrapbook albums to put all their lapbook stuff together. I gather scrapbook items and dream of having time to get back to it someday so the idea of combining it with homeschooling appealed to me. I tried it with Caleigh some last year. Over the summer, I started thinking about all the things we do that I have nowhere to store, the pictures of our activities, and yearbooks (yes, I worry about my kids missing out on anything so not having yearbooks like they would if they went to school bothers me). That's when I decided to get a scrapbook album for not just Caleigh this year, but also for Colin. I plan to add pictures to the books along with the lapbook items like Caleigh and I were already doing last year. This way they will each have a portfolio of much of their work and a yearbook with pictures of what they've done all in one book.  

Here are the first pages of their books:


I still haven't decided whether to do a book with Molly or not. I'm thinking about a few ideas, but for now I'm just putting her stuff into a folder until I figure it out. Since she's only 4, she mostly just listens in to what we're doing and participates in the fun stuff. Some weeks she may only have 1 or 2 items that go with our theme.


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